
07/04/2015 Weekend Routine - Swing & 401K

What a week. As selling on 6/29, the primary breath goes to red. By weekend, all the MM indicator goes to bearish territory. For the stock funds in 401K, all of them goes below TI42=101 level. Unfortunately my holding for LMOIX enter on 6/18 which can be close on 7/20 at the earliest. Looking back, the 6/18 range b/o signal is not very strong as from breath, may too optimistic to put 100% at that time. Let us see what market does, as for now the entry signal is not valid anymore, prepare to close when 30 days period is over.

[Anticipation List Event- from last Wen to this Tues]
06/25/2015 - 07/01/2015, a lot of b/d, but did not follow through. See detail below:

Some stock b/o and continue move: 

Some stocks b/o then side way move:

Some stocks b/o then fade:

