We saw a bounce this week. But it is not convincing. High probability is that it will set 2nd leg of selling. 100% in cash now and wait for low risk entry. Breath flip will flash the buy signal and primary green is the final arbiter to confirm buy signal is right or wrong. Still stay focus and patience is the key.
[Anticipation List Event- from last Wen to this Tues]
10/08/2014 - 10/14/2014, since there is bounce late last week, so some setup working:
Some stock b/o and move as momentum burst - the big winner (20%-30% in normal market condition)
(1) SCLN
(2) STRA
Some stocks b/o then side way move - wash trade or scratch trade (30%-40% of the trading)
(1) LEAF
(2) AERI
Some stocks b/o then fade - may hit or half hit the stop loss (30%-40% of the trading, loss need to be well controlled)
(1) HE

Some stocks break down - you will not be affected if trade b/o, but will be stop out if real anticipation
(1) SBSI
(2) VPRT, b/d then bounce with general market