
11/30/2014 Weekend Routine - EP

Notable Earning in past week.

This is 2nd stage EP, and I have mentioned it one quarter before here. Float 52M, Both Rev and EPS are all time high, increase full-year guidance. From TA side, 1st EP does not go anywhere and create shake out, volume dry up and price concentrate before 2nd EP which is good.

    Total revenues for the third quarter were $83.8 million, up from $55.0 million one year ago, an increase of 52% year-over-year. 
    Third quarter operating income was $19.9 million, compared to $10.0 million one year ago, an increase of 100% year-over-year. Non-GAAP operating income for the third quarter was $24.1 million, compared to $11.9 million one year ago, an increase of 103% year-over-year.
    Third quarter net income was $10.3 million, compared to $6.5 million one year ago, an increase of 57% year-over-year. Non-GAAP net income for the third quarter was $13.7 million, compared to $7.7 million one year ago, an increase of 77% year-over-year.

